Analysis of meta-regression with in-stent restenosis according to patient population and characteristics

No. of StudiesP ValueHeterogeneity I2 (%)
Patient characteristics
 Mean age46.00978.4
 Male %47.75282.8
IS as the qualifying event36.51384.2
TIA as the qualifying event33.62181.0
Duration from symptom to treatment20.48982.3
Lesion characteristics
 Anterior circulation47.99582.2
 Posterior circulation47.99882.2
 Preprocedural stenosis degree42.36881.4
 Length of stenosis17.73179.0
 Mori type
  Mori A13.95572.1
  Mori B12.70552.3
  Mori C12.98753.3
Procedure-related characteristics
 Procedural success rate42.05280.1
 Stent type (BMS or SES)47.81783.6
 Mean degree of residual stenosis38.77880.9
 Periprocedural complication rate43.69982.5
Image follow-up characteristics
 Image follow-up time (mo)46.40483.1
 Image follow-up rate >60%51.00481.2
  • Note:—IS indicates ischemic stroke; ACA, anterior cerebral artery; VA, vertebral artery; BA, basilar artery; VBJ, vertebrobasilar junction; PCA, posterior cerebral artery; BMS, balloon-mounted stent.