Table 1:

Machine learning performance metrics and limitations

Performance metricsClassificationSensitivity (recall): TP/(TP + FN)
Specificity (true-negative rate): TN/(TN + FP)
Accuracy: number of correct predictions/total predictions
AUC: plot of true positive rate (sensitivity) against false positive rate (1 – specificity)
SegmentationDice similarity coefficient: overlap of 2 samples
Pearson correlation coefficient: strength of linear relationship between 2 variables
Limitations and ways to address themRequires large datasets: multisite collaboration, open-source datasets
Interpretability: saliency maps
Overfitting: more training data, regularization, and batch normalization
  • Note:—FP indicates false positive; FN, false-negative; ROC, receiver operating characteristic; TN, true-negative; TP, true positive.