Table 1:

Quantitative and qualitative comparison of diffusion trace and ADC parameter maps for clinical patients in the emergency department (single single 3T MRI scanner)a

DataStandard (n = 25)SMS (n = 25)95% CI for DifferenceP Value
Age (yr)61.5 [SD, 19.5]63.2 [SD, 15.4]NA.734b
Woman (No.) (%)52% (13/25)56% (14/25)NANA
ADC, minor forceps (×10–3 mm2/s)0.833 [SD, 0.077]0.816 [SD, 0.073]–0.025 to + 0.059.427b
ADC, CSF (×10–3 mm2/s)3.032 [SD, 0.099]3.015 [SD, 0.080]–0.033 to + 0.067.508b
SNR, minor forceps21.4 [SD, 14.6]22.5 [SD, 9.6]–7.9 to + 5.7.754b
SNR, cerebellum32.6 [SD, 10.9]27.3 [SD, 14.8]–1.9 to + 12.5.156b
Artifactsc3.5 [SD, 0.5]3.7 [SD, 0.5]–0.5 to + 0.1.070d
Image qualityc4.0 [SD, 0.7]3.3 [SD, 0.5]–0.4 to + 1.0.001d
Diagnostic utilityc3.8 [SD, 0.4]3.7 [SD, 0.5]–0.2 to + 0.4.187d
  • Note:—NA indicates not applicable

  • a Data are mean (SD), (No.) (%), or 95% CI.

  • b Unpaired, 2-tailed t test.

  • c Average of independent, blinded assessment using an ordinal scale 1–5 by 2 board-certified neuroradiologists (no adjudication performed).

  • d Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon 2-tailed test.