Table 1:

Classification of each spinal level as normal versus stenosed on the evaluation cohort (n = 130) using each quantitative metrica

Metrics ComparedAUROC: Group 1AUROC: Group 2Z-StatisticSignificance
DSCA vs DSDIA96.5 (95.0–97.7)96.6 (95.1–97.8)0.19P = .85
DSCA vs DDRDIA96.5 (95.0–97.7)98.0 (96.7–98.9)b2.24bP = .02b
DSCA vs DDRCA96.5 (95.0–97.7)98.6 (97.4–99.3)b3.54bP = .004b
DSDIA vs DDRDIA96.6 (95.1–97.8)98.0 (96.7–98.9)b2.56bP = .01b
DSDIA vs DDRCA96.6 (95.1–97.8)98.6 (97.4–99.3)b2.89bP = .004b
DDRDIA vs DDRCA98.0 (96.7–98.9)98.6 (97.4–99.3)1.57P = .12
  • a Reported are pair-wise comparisons between the quantitative metrics using the DeLong paired test for AUROCs. Data in parentheses represent 95% confidence intervals.

  • b Difference in AUROC is statistically significant (P < .05).