Disenchantment with the limitations, and in some cases the morbidity, of currently used radiologic techniques for the demonstration or exclusion of small acoustic neuromas prompted development of an examination using small amounts of intrathecal air and computed tomography (CT). A prospective study was designed to evaluate air CT cisternography/canalography, wherein patients with the clinical symptoms of acoustic neuroma but with negative enhanced CT, were evaluated by metrizamide CT cisternography followed by air CT cisternography/canalography. Pantopaque cisternography was then performed as a control procedure. Four patients had surgically proven tumors. In 13 others, accumulated evidence indicated no tumors were present. Results suggest that air-CT cisternography is superior to all other diagnostic methods in defining small acoustic neuromas, and may exclude an intracanalicular lesion without the potential hazards of Pantopaque cisternography or high concentration metrizamide tomocisternography. With air-CT cisternography, there were no errors in this series.
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