Index by author
August 01, 1996; Volume 17,Issue 7
Albernaz, V S
- You have accessCongenital arhinia.V S Albernaz, M Castillo, S K Mukherji and I H IhmeidanAmerican Journal of Neuroradiology August 1996, 17 (7) 1312-1314;
Allen, R W
- You have accessLow-cost high-resolution fast spin-echo MR of acoustic schwannoma: an alternative to enhanced conventional spin-echo MR?R W Allen, H R Harnsberger, C Shelton, B King, D A Bell, R Miller, J L Parkin, R I Apfelbaum and D ParkerAmerican Journal of Neuroradiology August 1996, 17 (7) 1205-1210;
Apfelbaum, R I
- You have accessLow-cost high-resolution fast spin-echo MR of acoustic schwannoma: an alternative to enhanced conventional spin-echo MR?R W Allen, H R Harnsberger, C Shelton, B King, D A Bell, R Miller, J L Parkin, R I Apfelbaum and D ParkerAmerican Journal of Neuroradiology August 1996, 17 (7) 1205-1210;
Awad, I A
- You have accessEndovascular therapeutic approach to peripheral aneurysms of the superior cerebellar artery.J C Chaloupka, C M Putman and I A AwadAmerican Journal of Neuroradiology August 1996, 17 (7) 1338-1342;
Balzer, J
- You have accessMR characteristics of primary extramedullary plasmacytoma in the head and neck.T J Vogl, W Steger, G Grevers, J Balzer, M Mack and R FelixAmerican Journal of Neuroradiology August 1996, 17 (7) 1349-1354;
Barkovich, A J
- You have accessSubcortical heterotopia: a distinct clinicoradiologic entity.A J BarkovichAmerican Journal of Neuroradiology August 1996, 17 (7) 1315-1322;
- You have accessReduced caliber of the internal carotid artery: a normal finding with ipsilateral absence or hypoplasia of the A1 segment.A G Kane, W P Dillon, A J Barkovich, D Norman, C F Dowd and T T KaneAmerican Journal of Neuroradiology August 1996, 17 (7) 1295-1301;
Bavinzski, G
- You have accessRepermeation of partially embolized cerebral arteriovenous malformations: a clinical, radiologic, and histologic study.A Gruber, P R Mazal, G Bavinzski, M Killer, H Budka and B RichlingAmerican Journal of Neuroradiology August 1996, 17 (7) 1323-1331;
Bell, D A
- You have accessLow-cost high-resolution fast spin-echo MR of acoustic schwannoma: an alternative to enhanced conventional spin-echo MR?R W Allen, H R Harnsberger, C Shelton, B King, D A Bell, R Miller, J L Parkin, R I Apfelbaum and D ParkerAmerican Journal of Neuroradiology August 1996, 17 (7) 1205-1210;
Benndorf, G
- You have accessIntraaneurysmal flow: evaluation with Doppler guidewires.G Benndorf, E Wellnhofer, W Lanksch and R FelixAmerican Journal of Neuroradiology August 1996, 17 (7) 1333-1337;
Bensimon, J L
- You have accessTraumatic luxation of the stapes evidenced by high-resolution CT.P Herman, J P Guichard, T Van den Abbeele, C T Tan, J L Bensimon, R Marianowski and P Tran Ba HuyAmerican Journal of Neuroradiology August 1996, 17 (7) 1242-1244;
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