Research ArticleBRAIN
Atypical Rathke's Cleft Cyst Associated with Ossification
Yoko Nakasu, Satoshi Nakasu, Masayuki Nakajima, Ryuta Itoh and Masayuki Matsuda
American Journal of Neuroradiology July 1999, 20 (7) 1287-1289;
Yoko Nakasu
Satoshi Nakasu
Masayuki Nakajima
Ryuta Itoh

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In this issue
Yoko Nakasu, Satoshi Nakasu, Masayuki Nakajima, Ryuta Itoh, Masayuki Matsuda
Atypical Rathke's Cleft Cyst Associated with Ossification
American Journal of Neuroradiology Jul 1999, 20 (7) 1287-1289;
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