Preliminary Study of Tagged MR Image Velocimetry in a Replica of an Intracranial Aneurysm
Haruo Isoda, Shoichi Inagawa, Hiroyasu Takeda, Satoshi Isogai, Yasuo Takehara and Harumi Sakahara
American Journal of Neuroradiology April 2003, 24 (4) 604-607;
Haruo Isoda
Shoichi Inagawa
Hiroyasu Takeda
Satoshi Isogai
Yasuo Takehara

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In this issue
Haruo Isoda, Shoichi Inagawa, Hiroyasu Takeda, Satoshi Isogai, Yasuo Takehara, Harumi Sakahara
Preliminary Study of Tagged MR Image Velocimetry in a Replica of an Intracranial Aneurysm
American Journal of Neuroradiology Apr 2003, 24 (4) 604-607;
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