Research ArticlePEDIATRICS
MR Imaging Features in Marinesco-Sjögren Syndrome: Severe Cerebellar Atrophy Is Not an Obligatory Finding
Anke Reinhold, Ianina Scheer, Rüdiger Lehmann, Luitgard M. Neumann, Theodor Michael, Raymonda Varon and Arpad von Moers
American Journal of Neuroradiology May 2003, 24 (5) 825-828;
Anke Reinhold
Ianina Scheer
Rüdiger Lehmann
Luitgard M. Neumann
Theodor Michael
Raymonda Varon
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In this issue
MR Imaging Features in Marinesco-Sjögren Syndrome: Severe Cerebellar Atrophy Is Not an Obligatory Finding
Anke Reinhold, Ianina Scheer, Rüdiger Lehmann, Luitgard M. Neumann, Theodor Michael, Raymonda Varon, Arpad von Moers
American Journal of Neuroradiology May 2003, 24 (5) 825-828;
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