Research ArticleBRAIN
Arterial Occlusion Revealed by CT Angiography Predicts NIH Stroke Score and Acute Outcomes after IV tPA Treatment
John R. Sims, Guy Rordorf, Eric E. Smith, Walter J. Koroshetz, Michael H. Lev, Ferdinando Buonanno and Lee H. Schwamm
American Journal of Neuroradiology February 2005, 26 (2) 246-251;
John R. Sims
Guy Rordorf
Eric E. Smith
Walter J. Koroshetz
Michael H. Lev
Ferdinando Buonanno
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In this issue
John R. Sims, Guy Rordorf, Eric E. Smith, Walter J. Koroshetz, Michael H. Lev, Ferdinando Buonanno, Lee H. Schwamm
Arterial Occlusion Revealed by CT Angiography Predicts NIH Stroke Score and Acute Outcomes after IV tPA Treatment
American Journal of Neuroradiology Feb 2005, 26 (2) 246-251;
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