Research ArticleSPINE
Bone Marrow Edema in Osteoporotic Vertebral Compression Fractures after Percutaneous Vertebroplasty and Relation with Clinical Outcome
M.H.J. Voormolen, W.J. van Rooij, Y. van der Graaf, P.N.M. Lohle, L.E.H. Lampmann, J.R. Juttmann and M. Sluzewski
American Journal of Neuroradiology May 2006, 27 (5) 983-988;
M.H.J. Voormolen
W.J. van Rooij
Y. van der Graaf
P.N.M. Lohle
L.E.H. Lampmann
J.R. Juttmann

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In this issue
M.H.J. Voormolen, W.J. van Rooij, Y. van der Graaf, P.N.M. Lohle, L.E.H. Lampmann, J.R. Juttmann, M. Sluzewski
Bone Marrow Edema in Osteoporotic Vertebral Compression Fractures after Percutaneous Vertebroplasty and Relation with Clinical Outcome
American Journal of Neuroradiology May 2006, 27 (5) 983-988;
Bone Marrow Edema in Osteoporotic Vertebral Compression Fractures after Percutaneous Vertebroplasty and Relation with Clinical Outcome
M.H.J. Voormolen, W.J. van Rooij, Y. van der Graaf, P.N.M. Lohle, L.E.H. Lampmann, J.R. Juttmann, M. Sluzewski
American Journal of Neuroradiology May 2006, 27 (5) 983-988;
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