Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Values of Middle Ear Cholesteatoma Differ from Abscess and Cholesteatoma Admixed Infection
S. Thiriat, S. Riehm, S. Kremer, E. Martin and F. Veillon
American Journal of Neuroradiology June 2009, 30 (6) 1123-1126; DOI: https://doi.org/10.3174/ajnr.A1473
S. Thiriat
S. Riehm
S. Kremer
E. Martin

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In this issue
S. Thiriat, S. Riehm, S. Kremer, E. Martin, F. Veillon
Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Values of Middle Ear Cholesteatoma Differ from Abscess and Cholesteatoma Admixed Infection
American Journal of Neuroradiology Jun 2009, 30 (6) 1123-1126; DOI: 10.3174/ajnr.A1473
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