American Society of Neuroradiology: Carolyn Cidis Meltzer
Our new ASNR President is Dr. Carolyn Cidis Meltzer and the society is honored to have an individual of her qualifications at its helm. She currently is Chair and Professor of Radiology, Neurology, and Psychiatry at Emory University in Atlanta, as well as faculty in the Department of Radiology of the University of Pittsburgh. As attested to by her accomplishments, supreme organizational and interpersonal abilities characterize her style. Apart from being a Chairperson, she is Associate Dean for Research and Director of Center of Systems Imaging at Emory. She holds or has held positions on more than 100 committees, 10 within ASNR, including Vice President. Dr. Meltzer reviews manuscripts for 25 journals, is an editorial board member for 2, has participated in 40 grant review panels, and is a member of 25 scientific organizations. If you are not impressed yet, the following facts will convince you of her incredible accomplishments: she is listed as a principal or co-investigator in 30 current grants (and 80 previously completed ones); has given 100 invited lectures; written more than 150 peer-reviewed articles, all published in high–impact factor journals; is an author of 17 book chapters and 2 books; and her curriculum lists over 250 scientific abstracts presented at national and international meetings. She has supervised countless medical students and has been advisor to 23 postdoctoral fellows. There is no doubt her tremendous academic, research, and administrative background confers her respect and admiration from her colleagues in radiology and other subspecialties. ASNR is proud to have such an accomplished individual as its President.
American Society of Functional Neuroradiology: Scott Faro
Dr. Scott Faro is the new President of the ASFNR. After obtaining his MD from Rutgers University and completing his radiology residency at the Medical Center of Delaware, he went on to 2 fellowships: neuroradiology at Thomas Jefferson University and pediatric neuroradiology at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. Currently he serves as Professor and Vice Chairman of Radiology at Temple University, where he is also a Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and Director of Functional Brain Imaging. In the ASFNR he has previously served as Treasurer, Secretary, and Vice President. He has been or is a principal or co-investigator in more than 20 grants. Dr. Faro is listed as an author in nearly 70 peer-reviewed articles and 17 book chapters, and is the author of 3 books. His latest text on functional neuroradiology will be published next year. His curriculum also lists 146 abstracts and nearly 100 presentations. He is a member of the editorial board of 2 prestigious journals: Brain Imaging and Behavior and Journal of Neuroimaging. ASFNR will certainly benefit from having such an accomplished individual as its new President.
American Society of Head and Neck Radiology: Laurie Loevner
Dr. Laurie Loevner, Professor of Radiology, Otorhinolaryngology, and Neurosurgery at the University of Pennsylvania, is the new President of ASHNR. She obtained her MD from the University of Pennsylvania and after completing her general radiology training at the University of Michigan, she returned to U Penn for her neuroradiology fellowship. Her service appointments extend to many radiology organizations and she has been a member of 18 ASNR committees including serving as Chair of 3. In ASHNR she has served as Member-At-Large, Treasurer, Vice President, and Program Chair. Dr. Loevner is Past President of the Eastern Neuroradiological Society. An excellent speaker, she has given nearly 450 invited lectures and moderated 20 scientific sessions at international meetings. She has published more than 90 peer-reviewed articles, 70 abstracts, 31 editorials, and 4 books, and is currently the neuroradiology editor for RadioGraphics. Laurie is listed as a principal or co-investigator in 7 current grants. ASHNR is in the hands of an enthusiastic and highly qualified individual and we congratulate her in her new position as its President.
American Society of Pediatric Neuroradiology: Tina Young Poussaint
Dr. Tina Young Poussaint is the ASPNR's new President. Before this position, she held the offices of Treasurer, Secretary, and Vice President in the society. After obtaining her MD degree from Yale University, she completed both her general radiology and neuroradiology training at the Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. She is currently Associate Professor of Radiology at the Children's Hospital in Boston, where she also oversees the Pediatric Neuroradiology Fellowship Program and is a member of the Board of Directors of the Radiology Foundation. She is a manuscript reviewer for 10 journals and has given more than 100 presentations at regional, national, and international meeting and congresses. An author or co-author of nearly 80 peer-reviewed articles, she has also contributed to 11 book chapters and 2 books. Grantwise, her name is listed as a principal or co-investigator in 8 projects. Although she lists neuro-oncologic imaging as her area of excellence, the neuroradiology community knows of her modesty and that her excellence extends to many more areas. We welcome Dr. Young Poussaint as the new President of the ASPNR.
American Society of Spine Radiology: Gregory Petermann
Dr. Gregory Petermann is the new President of ASSR. He currently practices as a neuroradiologist at the Marshfield Clinic in Madison, Wisconsin, and is Associate Professor of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine at the Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences in Bethesda, Maryland. Greg recently retired from the US Army with the rank of Colonel after 24 years of service. He received his MD from the Uniformed Services University and completed his general radiology training at Tripler Army Medical Center in Hawaii and the Fitzsimons Army Medical Center in Colorado. His training in neuroradiology was at the University of Wisconsin in Madison, and shortly after completion he was named Chief of Neuroradiology, Director of MR Imaging, and Director of the Radiology Program at Tripler. His resumé lists 15 publications, more than 20 scientific exhibits and posters at national and international meetings, and 37 oral presentations. He has served ASNR in various positions, and has been Treasurer and Secretary as well as Vice President for ASSR.
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