Table of Contents
Practice Perspectives
Research Perspectives
- Optimization of Acquisition and Analysis Methods for Clinical Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast MRI Using a Population-Based Digital Reference Object
The accuracy of DSC-MR imaging CBV maps in glioblastoma depends on acquisition and analysis protocols. The authors sought to compare the accuracy of routinely used protocols using a digital reference object that consisted of 10,000 simulated voxels recapitulating typical signal heterogeneity encountered in vivo. The influence of acquisition and postprocessing methods on CBV reliability was evaluated across 6912 parameter combinations, including contrast agent dosing schemes, pulse sequence parameters, field strengths, and postprocessing methods. Across all parameter space, the optimal protocol included full-dose contrast agent preload and bolus, intermediate (60°) flip angle, 30-ms TE, and postprocessing with a leakage-correction algorithm.
General Contents
- Spinal Epidural Arteriovenous Fistula with Perimedullary Venous Reflux: Clinical and Neuroradiologic Features of an Underestimated Vascular Disorder
Thirteen consecutive patients were diagnosed with deep lumbosacral spinal dural arteriovenous fistula at a single center between 2006 and 2018. Paraparesis was present in 12 (92%) patients. Sphincter dysfunction and sensory symptoms were observed in 7 (54%) and 6 (46%) patients, respectively. The mean duration of symptoms was 6 ± 8 months. Congestive myelopathy on MR imaging was present in all patients. Prominent arterialized perimedullary veins were demonstrated in only 3 cases. Time-resolved contrast-enhanced dynamic MRA revealed arterialized perimedullary veins and an arterialized ventrolateral epidural pouch in 9/10 (90%) patients, mostly located ventrolaterally. The authors conclude that time-resolved contrast-enhanced dynamic MRA is a powerful diagnostic tool for identifying arterialized perimedullary veins as well as an arterialized ventrolateral epidural pouch.
- MR Imaging in Menière Disease: Is the Contact between the Vestibular Endolymphatic Space and the Oval Window a Reliable Biomarker?
The authors retrospectively enrolled 49 patients, 24 affected by unilateral sudden hearing loss and 25 affected by definite Meniére disease, who had undergone a 4-hour delayed 3D-FLAIR sequence. Two readers analyzed the MR images investigating whether the vestibular endolymphatic space bulged in the third inferior portion of the vestibule contacting the stapes footplate. The vestibular endolymphatic space contacting the oval window has high specificity and positive predictive value in differentiating Meniére disease ears from other ears, thus resulting in a valid tool for ruling in Meniére disease in patients with mimicking symptoms.
- Expanding the Distinctive Neuroimaging Phenotype of ACTA2 Mutations
Patients with the ACTA2 mutation have distinctive clinical and angiographic features—specifically, a combination of ectasia and stenosis, a straight arterial course, absence of basal collaterals, and more widespread cerebrovascular involvement in comparison with Moyamoya disease. Neuroimaging studies from 13 patients with heterozygous Arg179His mutations in ACTA2 and 1 patient with pathognomonic clinicoradiologic findings for ACTA2 mutation were retrospectively reviewed. Characteristic bending and hypoplasia of the anterior corpus callosum, apparent absence of the anterior gyrus cinguli, and radial frontal gyration were present in 100% of the patients; flattening of the pons on the midline and multiple indentations in the lateral surface of the pons were demonstrated in 93% of the patients.
- Aberrant Structural Brain Connectivity in Adolescents with Attentional Problems Who Were Born Prematurely
The purpose of this study was to identify the neural correlates of attentional problems in adolescents born prematurely and determine neonatal predictors of those neural correlates and attention problems. Of the 24 subjects, 12 had attention deficits. A set of axonal pathways connecting the frontal, parietal, temporal, and occipital lobes had significantly lower fractional anisotropy in subjects with attentional problems. The temporoparietal connection between the left precuneus and left middle temporal gyrus was the most significantly underconnected interlobar axonal pathway. Low birth weight and ventriculomegaly, but not white matter injury or intraventricular hemorrhage on neonatal MR imaging, predicted temporoparietal hypoconnectivity in adolescence.
- Fluoroscopically Guided Facet Injections: Comparison of Intra-Articular and Periarticular Steroid and Anesthetic Injection on Immediate and Short-Term Pain Relief
The authors evaluated the immediate and short-term efficacy of intra-articular and periarticular steroid/anesthetic injections for facet-mediated lumbar pain. Seventy-seven patients had 100 procedures with 205 total facet joints injected. All intra-articular, all periarticular, and partial peri-/intra-articular injections constituted 54%, 20%, and 26% of the cases, respectively. The immediate and 1-week postprocedural change in pain was -3.7 and -1.4 for the all intra-articular and -3.6 and -1.2 for the combined group. They conclude that the intra-articular and periarticular fluoroscopically guided facet injections provide statistically significant and similar pain relief both immediately and 1 week postinjection.