Table of Contents
Review Articles
- Cortically Based Brain Tumors in Children: A Decision-Tree Approach in the Radiology Reading Room
This comprehensive review of cortically based brain tumors in children proposes a decision tree to help with the differential diagnosis.
- Alzheimer Disease Anti-Amyloid Immunotherapies: Imaging Recommendations and Practice Considerations for Monitoring of Amyloid-Related Imaging Abnormalities
This review discusses the 3 key MRI sequences for ARIA monitoring and standardized imaging protocols and provides imaging recommendations for 3 key patient scenarios. All patients on anti-amyloid immunotherapy should have T2* gradient-recalled echo (to evaluate for ARIA-H), 2D or 3D T2 FLAIR (to evaluate for ARIA-E), and DWI (to differentiate ARIA-E from acute ischemia). Patient imaging scenarios are 1) baseline dementia diagnosis/treatment enrollment evaluation, 2) asymptomatic ARIA monitoring, and 3) evaluation of the symptomatic patient on anti-amyloid immunotherapy.
General Contents
- Hemodynamic Characteristics in Ruptured and Unruptured Intracranial Aneurysms: A Prospective Cohort Study Utilizing the AneurysmFlow Tool
A DSA-based flow quantification tool (AneurysmFlow) was used to measure blood flow vectors and velocities after contrast injection. Complex flow patterns were shown to be common in ruptured aneurysms and those with daughter sacs. Lowest mean aneurysm flow amplitude in the dome and daughter sacs indicated pathophysiologic changes linked to rupture. Also, hypertension, bifurcation location, and irregular shape of unruptured aneurysm were found to be independent rupture risk factors.
- Gadolinium-Enhanced T2 FLAIR Is an Imaging Biomarker of Radiation Necrosis and Tumor Progression in Patients with Brain Metastases
Distinguishing radiation necrosis from tumor progression after radiation therapy for brain metastases is challenging on conventional MRI. This study demonstrated higher normalized contrast-enhanced T1 and T2 FLAIR signal intensity for RN. Contrast-enhanced T2 FLAIR signal intensity distinguished RN and TP with an AUC similar to that of DSC perfusion.
- Alternative Venous Pathways: A Potential Key Imaging Feature for Early Diagnosis of Sturge-Weber Syndrome Type 1
In this retrospective review of children with SWS, the most prevalent lesions at the first MRI were subarachnoid varicose network and transmedullary veins. The dilated venous channels are an early compensatory mechanism, preceding abnormal pial contrast enhancement, atrophy, and calcification.
- “Flow Void Sign”: Flow Artifact on T2-Weighted MRI Can Be an Indicator of Dural Defect Location in Ventral Type 1 Spinal CSF Leaks
Type 1 CSF leaks are commonly associated with ventral predominant epidural fluid. On 2D T2-weighted and STIR images, CSF-flow artifact in the anterior subarachnoid space and/or the adjacent epidural fluid collection at the level of the dural defect is caused by CSF-flow and may permit accurate prediction of the site of the CSF leak noninvasively.