Current and Emerging MR Imaging Techniques for the Diagnosis and Management of CSF Flow Disorders: A Review of Phase-Contrast and Time–Spatial Labeling Inversion Pulse

SUMMARY: This article provides an overview of phase-contrast and time–spatial labeling inversion pulse MR imaging techniques to assess CSF movement in the CNS under normal and pathophysiologic situations. Phase-contrast can quantitatively measure stroke volume in selected regions, notably the aqueduct of Sylvius, synchronized to the heartbeat. Judicious fine-tuning of the technique is needed to achieve maximal temporal resolution, and it has limited visualization of CSF motion in many CNS regions. Phase-contrast is frequently used to evaluate those patients with suspected normal pressure hydrocephalus and a Chiari I malformation. Correlation with successful treatment outcome has been problematic. Time–spatial labeling inversion pulse, with a high signal-to-noise ratio, assesses linear and turbulent motion of CSF anywhere in the CNS. Time–spatial labeling inversion pulse can qualitatively visualize whether CSF flows between 2 compartments and determine whether there is flow through the aqueduct of Sylvius or a new surgically created stoma. Cine images reveal CSF linear and turbulent flow patterns.
- cavum septi pellucidi
- normal pressure hydrocephalus
- PC
- phase-contrast
- Time-SLIP
- time–spatial labeling inversion pulse
- Venc
- velocity-encoding value
- © 2015 American Society of Neuroradiology
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