Automated Volumetric Software in Dementia: Help or Hindrance to the Neuroradiologist?
Jody Tanabe, Maili F. Lim, Siddhant Dash, Jack Pattee, Brandon Steach, Peter Pressman, Brianne M. Bettcher, Justin M. Honce, Valeria A. Potigailo, William Colantoni, David Zander and Ashesh A. Thaker
American Journal of Neuroradiology October 2024, DOI:
Jody Tanabe
aFrom the Department of Radiology (J.T., M.F.L., S.D., J.M.H., V.A.P., W.C., D.Z., A.A.T.), University of Colorado School of Medicine, Aurora, Colorado
Maili F. Lim
aFrom the Department of Radiology (J.T., M.F.L., S.D., J.M.H., V.A.P., W.C., D.Z., A.A.T.), University of Colorado School of Medicine, Aurora, Colorado
Siddhant Dash
aFrom the Department of Radiology (J.T., M.F.L., S.D., J.M.H., V.A.P., W.C., D.Z., A.A.T.), University of Colorado School of Medicine, Aurora, Colorado
Jack Pattee
cCenter for Innovative Design and Analysis (J.P.), University of Colorado School of Public Health, Aurora, Colorado
Brandon Steach
dicometrix (B.S.), Leuven, Belgium
Peter Pressman
bDepartment of Neurology (P.P., B.M.B.), University of Colorado School of Medicine, Aurora, Colorado
Brianne M. Bettcher
bDepartment of Neurology (P.P., B.M.B.), University of Colorado School of Medicine, Aurora, Colorado
Justin M. Honce
aFrom the Department of Radiology (J.T., M.F.L., S.D., J.M.H., V.A.P., W.C., D.Z., A.A.T.), University of Colorado School of Medicine, Aurora, Colorado
Valeria A. Potigailo
aFrom the Department of Radiology (J.T., M.F.L., S.D., J.M.H., V.A.P., W.C., D.Z., A.A.T.), University of Colorado School of Medicine, Aurora, Colorado
William Colantoni
aFrom the Department of Radiology (J.T., M.F.L., S.D., J.M.H., V.A.P., W.C., D.Z., A.A.T.), University of Colorado School of Medicine, Aurora, Colorado
David Zander
aFrom the Department of Radiology (J.T., M.F.L., S.D., J.M.H., V.A.P., W.C., D.Z., A.A.T.), University of Colorado School of Medicine, Aurora, Colorado
Ashesh A. Thaker
aFrom the Department of Radiology (J.T., M.F.L., S.D., J.M.H., V.A.P., W.C., D.Z., A.A.T.), University of Colorado School of Medicine, Aurora, Colorado
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Automated Volumetric Software in Dementia: Help or Hindrance to the Neuroradiologist?
Jody Tanabe, Maili F. Lim, Siddhant Dash, Jack Pattee, Brandon Steach, Peter Pressman, Brianne M. Bettcher, Justin M. Honce, Valeria A. Potigailo, William Colantoni, David Zander, Ashesh A. Thaker
American Journal of Neuroradiology Oct 2024, DOI: 10.3174/ajnr.A8406
Automated Volumetric Software in Dementia: Help or Hindrance to the Neuroradiologist?
Jody Tanabe, Maili F. Lim, Siddhant Dash, Jack Pattee, Brandon Steach, Peter Pressman, Brianne M. Bettcher, Justin M. Honce, Valeria A. Potigailo, William Colantoni, David Zander, Ashesh A. Thaker
American Journal of Neuroradiology Oct 2024, DOI: 10.3174/ajnr.A8406
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