Institutional Subscriptions
Subscription Prices | Frequently Asked Questions | Terms and Conditions for Use |
Access Levels
The AJNR provides two levels of access for institutional subscribers.
New institutional subscribers are asked to sign up at the Basic rate. After every subscription term, online usage for the institution is calculated, and heavy users are asked to renew at the Extended rate. As a general rule, heavy users account for roughly 15% of AJNR's total institutional subscriber base.
In the past, AJNR determined Basic and Extended users based on the number of sites (separate facilities) to be provided access. Please note that we no longer utilize this pricing model. All institutional subscription prices are now based on usage.
AJNR Online Activation
Subscribing to the AJNR as an institution is a two-step process:
STEP ONE: You must follow your usual "new serial" ordering procedures to subscribe to the AJNR (ISSN: 1936-959X). Payment should be made to your subscription agent or directly to ASNR.
STEP TWO: Once the ASNR has received payment, you will receive a letter regarding access to AJNR. The letter will direct you to an online form that will require the following information:
- Your institution's IP addresses/ranges
- A contact name, title, telephone number, fax number, and email address
- Customer number (included with the letter)
Institutional access cannot be gained without satisfying all of the aforementioned requirements.
Please note that institutions will receive their AJNR Online activation information more quickly if a contact email address is provided with the initial order information.