PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Soto-Ares, Gustavo AU - Devisme, Louise AU - Jorriot, Sylvie AU - Deries, Berengere AU - Pruvo, Jean P. AU - Ruchoux, Marie M. TI - Neuropathologic and MR Imaging Correlation in a Neonatal Case of Cerebellar Cortical Dysplasia DP - 2002 Aug 01 TA - American Journal of Neuroradiology PG - 1101--1104 VI - 23 IP - 7 4099 - 4100 - SO - Am. J. Neuroradiol.2002 Aug 01; 23 AB - Little documentation of the correlation between MR imaging findings in isolated cerebellar cortical dysplasia (CCD) and its neuropathologic characteristics exists in the recent literature. We documented a postmortem neuropathologic study of a clinically and radiologically well-documented case of CCD in a neonate with severe hypotonia and status epilepticus. MR imaging revealed a global vermian hypoplasia with marked cortical dysplasia. CCD was associated with a voluminous heterotopic mass. The postmortem neuropathologic study confirmed vermian hypoplasia and CCD, which consisted of right cerebellar cortical polymicrogyria with subcortical heterotopia. CCD is a pathologic entity that could be well diagnosed with MR imaging even in the neonatal period.