RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 Middle Interhemispheric Variant of Holoprosencephaly Associated with Diffuse Polymicrogyria JF American Journal of Neuroradiology JO Am. J. Neuroradiol. FD American Society of Neuroradiology SP 394 OP 397 VO 24 IS 3 A1 Takanashi, Jun-ichi A1 Barkovich, A. James A1 Clegg, Nancy J. A1 Delgado, Mauricio R. YR 2003 UL http://www.ajnr.org/content/24/3/394.abstract AB Summary: An 11-month-old boy was discovered to have a cleft palate, club foot, hypospadias, and myoclonic seizures. No in utero exposure to teratogens was identified. Brain MR imaging revealed a middle interhemispheric fusion variant of holoprosencephaly, diffuse polymicrogyria, and a hypoplastic brain stem; this was a distinctly unusual association of findings. We hypothesize that an unknown genetic factor causes disturbances of cleavage of the prosencephalon as well as neuronal migration and organization.