PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Kallmes, David F. AU - Fujiwara, Naomi H. AU - Yuen, Debbie AU - Dai, Daying AU - Li, Shu-Tung TI - A Collagen-Based Coil for Embolization of Saccular Aneurysms in a New Zealand White Rabbit Model DP - 2003 Apr 01 TA - American Journal of Neuroradiology PG - 591--596 VI - 24 IP - 4 4099 - 4100 - SO - Am. J. Neuroradiol.2003 Apr 01; 24 AB - BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: In the treatment of cerebral aneurysms, platinum coils often fail to elicit a fibrotic response. We tested the hypothesis that a new, collagen-based endovascular coil would improve angiographic and histologic outcomes as compared with those achieved with platinum coils in a rabbit model of saccular aneurysms.METHODS: Elastase-induced aneurysms were created in 12 New Zealand White rabbits (body weight, 3–4 kg). Embolization was performed either by use of collagen-based coils (n = 6) or platinum coils (n = 6). In both coil groups, subjects were kept alive for either 2 weeks (n = 3 [collagen], n = 3 [platinum]) or 10 weeks (n = 3 [collagen], n = 3 [platinum]) after embolization and then were sacrificed. Digital subtraction angiography (DSA) was performed immediately after embolization and immediately before sacrifice. Postmortem histologic analysis of all coils was performed.RESULTS: Collagen-based coils were loosely packed in all cases because of limitations in size of coils available for embolization. In all six aneurysms packed with collagen-based coils, progressive thrombosis was noted at follow-up (DSA). Platinum coil samples were densely packed in all six cases. Progressive thrombosis was seen in one case, and interval regrowth was present in one case. Two weeks after embolization, collagen-based coil samples showed a marked peri-coil cellular response. Ten weeks after embolization, collagen-based samples had dense connective tissue matrix deposition in two of three cases. Platinum coils had unorganized thrombus at 2 weeks; loose-matrix deposition was only seen in the 10-week samples. Smooth muscle actin-positive cells were seen across the neck of the aneurysm in four of six collagen-based coil cases.CONCLUSION: Collagen-based coils show a marked cellular response in animal-model aneurysms, with resultant high rates of progressive occlusion after embolization. Dense matrix deposition is commonly seen with collagen-based coils. This contrasts with low rates of progressive thrombosis and high rates of loose matrix deposition seen with platinum coils.