RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 Interpeduncular Heterotopia in Joubert Syndrome: A Previously Undescribed MR Finding JF American Journal of Neuroradiology JO Am. J. Neuroradiol. FD American Society of Neuroradiology SP 1286 OP 1289 DO 10.3174/ajnr.A2488 VO 32 IS 7 A1 Harting, I. A1 Kotzaeridou, U. A1 Poretti, A. A1 Seitz, A. A1 Pietz, J. A1 Bendszus, M. A1 Boltshauser, E. YR 2011 UL http://www.ajnr.org/content/32/7/1286.abstract AB The so-called molar tooth sign is the radiologic hallmark of JSRD. Joubert syndrome is a rare, most often autosomal-recessive disorder with a characteristic malformation of the midhindbrain. We describe 3 patients with JSRD and the additional MR finding of tissue resembling heterotopia in the interpeduncular fossa, which in one patient was combined with a more extensive intramesencephalic heterotopia. Interpeduncular heterotopia has not been reported previously, either in the context of JSRD or as a separate entity. This new imaging feature enlarges the spectrum of brain stem abnormalities in JSRD. In view of the underlying ciliopathy, it seems likely that the interpeduncular heterotopia results from misdirected migration. CNScentral nervous systemGEgradient-echoJSRDJoubert syndrome and related disordersT1WIT1-weighted imagingT2WIT2-weighted imaging