PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Panigrahy, Ashok AU - Caruthers, Shelton D. AU - Krejza, Jaroslaw AU - Barnes, Patrick D. AU - Faddoul, Sami G. AU - Sleeper, Lynn A. AU - Melhem, Elias R. TI - Registration of Three-Dimensional MR and CT Studies of the Cervical Spine DP - 2000 Feb 01 TA - American Journal of Neuroradiology PG - 282--289 VI - 21 IP - 2 4099 - 4100 - SO - Am. J. Neuroradiol.2000 Feb 01; 21 AB - Summary: A three-dimensional image registration technique for CT and MR studies of the cervical spine was evaluated for feasibility and efficacy. Registration by means of external fiducial markers was slightly more accurate than registration by anatomic landmarks. The interrelationships between bony (eg, neural foramina) and soft tissue structures (eg, nerve roots) in the cervical spine were more conspicuous on registered images than on conventional displays. Registration of CT and MR images may be used to examine more precisely the relationships between bony and soft tissue structures of the cervical spine.