RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 Clinical Implications of Internal Carotid Artery Flow Impairment Caused by Filter Occlusion during Carotid Artery Stenting JF American Journal of Neuroradiology JO Am. J. Neuroradiol. FD American Society of Neuroradiology SP 494 OP 499 DO 10.3174/ajnr.A2818 VO 33 IS 3 A1 Kwon, O.-K. A1 Kim, S.H. A1 Jacobsen, E.A. A1 Marks, M.P. YR 2012 UL http://www.ajnr.org/content/33/3/494.abstract AB BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Membrane filters are EPDs, which preserve ICA flow during CAS. However, ICA flow arrest may occur with filter use. This report describes the angiographic, clinical, and histopathologic features of the filter occlusion. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Sixty-one consecutive patients with cervical carotid stenosis treated by CAS by using a single type of filter device were evaluated. All patients were on dual antiplatelet treatment and fully heparinized. Prestent dilation was performed in all patients. Poststent dilation was performed in 15 patients. Control angiograms were obtained and evaluated after each step of the CAS procedure. All filters were inspected for debris, and if present, histology was obtained. RESULTS: CAS was successfully performed in all cases with <20% residual stenosis. Filter occlusion occurred in 6 patients (9.8%). It developed immediately after stent deployment in 4, and after a second prestent dilation in 2. Five of the 6 had severe carotid stenosis. In all patients, filter withdrawal led to immediate and complete restoration of ICA flow. In 1 patient, acute embolic M1 occlusion occurred immediately after filter withdrawal but was successfully treated with thrombolysis. None of filter-occlusion group had permanent neurologic deficits. Gross and microscopic examinations demonstrated that the pores of the filters were occluded mainly by fibrin. Postoperative diffusion MR imaging revealed no difference between filter-occlusion and non-filter-occlusion groups. CONCLUSIONS: ICA flow arrest due to filter occlusion during CAS is relatively common and occurs more frequently in severe stenosis. It resolves rapidly after filter removal and does not appear to worsen outcome. ACTactivated clotting timeaPTTactivated partial thromboplastin timeCAScarotid artery stent placementEPDembolic protection device