PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Berge, J. AU - Biondi, A. AU - Machi, P. AU - Brunel, H. AU - Pierot, L. AU - Gabrillargues, J. AU - Kadziolka, K. AU - Barreau, X. AU - Dousset, V. AU - Bonafé, A. TI - Flow-Diverter Silk Stent for the Treatment of Intracranial Aneurysms: 1-year Follow-Up in a Multicenter Study AID - 10.3174/ajnr.A2907 DP - 2012 Jun 01 TA - American Journal of Neuroradiology PG - 1150--1155 VI - 33 IP - 6 4099 - 4100 - SO - Am. J. Neuroradiol.2012 Jun 01; 33 AB - BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: FD stent placement is a promising therapy for challenging intracranial aneurysms. Long-term evaluations about angiographic and morphologic results are still missing. This is the aim of this multicenter series. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We report our experience and 1-year FU in a retrospective chart review of 65 consecutive subjects with 77 unruptured or recanalized aneurysms that were treated with Silk FD stents at 6 centers in France. Both angiographic and clinical results were recorded before treatment and at 6 and 12 months after treatment. At the 12-month FU, relationships between angiographic aneurysm occlusion and shrinkage of the thrombosed aneurysm sac were evaluated. RESULTS: Stent deployment was achieved in 64 cases (98.5%) and failed in 1 case (1.5%). Seven misdeployments of the Silk stent caused the occlusion of 6 parent arteries. Overall acute/subacute procedural morbidity was 7.7%, and mortality was zero. Delayed complications were observed in 10.9% of subjects. At the 6-month FU, permanent morbidity was 7.8% and mortality was 3%. Complete occlusion occurred within 6 months in 68% of aneurysms and within 12 months after treatment in 84.5% of aneurysms. At the 12-month FU, in angiographically complete occluded aneurysms, MR imaging/CT analysis showed the complete disappearance of the thrombosed aneurysm in 30% of cases and partial shrinkage in 52%; furthermore, thrombosed aneurysms were stable in 11% of cases and enlarged in 7%. CONCLUSIONS: The Silk stent is an effective tool for the treatment of challenging aneurysms because it allows complete occlusion in most cases 1 year after treatment. Permanent morbidity was 7.8%, and mortality was 3%. ACAanterior cerebral arteryCCFcarotid cavernous fistulaFDflow-diverterFUfollow-upISUIAInternational Study of Unruptured Intracranial AneurysmsmRSmodified Rankin ScalePAOparent artery occlusionPCAposterior cerebral artery