PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Lou, X. AU - Ma, N. AU - Ma, L. AU - Jiang, W.-J. TI - Contrast-Enhanced 3T High-Resolution MR Imaging in Symptomatic Atherosclerotic Basilar Artery Stenosis AID - 10.3174/ajnr.A3241 DP - 2013 Mar 01 TA - American Journal of Neuroradiology PG - 513--517 VI - 34 IP - 3 4099 - 4100 - SO - Am. J. Neuroradiol.2013 Mar 01; 34 AB - BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Contrast-enhanced 3T high-resolution MR imaging can be used to determine the wall enhancement pattern of the basilar artery in symptomatic atherosclerotic stenosis. We used this method to explore the relationship between wall enhancement and both recent infarction in the territory of the stenotic BA and subsequent ischemic events associated with the stenotic BA. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Sixty patients with symptomatic atherosclerotic BA stenosis ≥70% were enrolled consecutively. HR-MRI of cross-sectional BAs was obtained before and after contrast media injection, and wall enhancement indices were calculated for sections proximal to, at, and distal to the site of maximal luminal narrowing. DWI of the brain was performed to determine the presence of recent infarction. RESULTS: Images from 56 patients were suitable for analysis. Thirty-three patients underwent stent placement for the stenotic BA, and 23 patients underwent conservative medical treatment with antiplatelet agents and risk-factor control. All 23 patients with medical treatment had a 12-month follow-up. Greater wall enhancement was seen in the section proximal to the MLN section in both patients with recent infarction (74 ± 65% versus 44 ± 44%; P = .046) and in patients with subsequent ischemic events (100 ± 57% versus 44 ± 44%; P = .014). CONCLUSIONS: Greater wall enhancement proximal to the MLN site correlates with recent infarction in the territory of the stenotic BA and subsequent ischemic events associated with the stenotic BA. Contrast-enhanced HR-MRI may serve as a noninvasive tool for risk stratification of BA atherosclerosis. BAbasilar arteryHR-MRIhigh-resolution MRIICCintraclass correlation coefficientMLNmaximal luminal narrowingSIsignal intensity