PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Lubicz, B. AU - Mine, B. AU - Collignon, L. AU - Brisbois, D. AU - Duckwiler, G. AU - Strother, C. TI - WEB Device for Endovascular Treatment of Wide-Neck Bifurcation Aneurysms AID - 10.3174/ajnr.A3387 DP - 2013 Jun 01 TA - American Journal of Neuroradiology PG - 1209--1214 VI - 34 IP - 6 4099 - 4100 - SO - Am. J. Neuroradiol.2013 Jun 01; 34 AB - BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: The WEB is an intrasaccular flow disrupter dedicated to EVT of IA. We report our initial experience in a series of patients treated with this device. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This prospective study was approved by the authors' ethical committees. Nineteen patients with 20 unruptured wide-neck bifurcation IAs were treated by WEB placement. Technical issues, immediate posttreatment angiographic findings, and clinical and imaging follow-up at 3, 6, and 12 months were assessed. RESULTS: Failure of WEB placement occurred in 1 case because of unavailability of a suitably sized device. Embolization was successful in 18 patients with 19 IAs, and it required additional stent placement and/or coiling in 3 cases at the acute phase and in 1 case at follow-up. Two patients experienced a symptomatic complication, and 16 patients had normal neurologic examination findings at discharge. Immediate anatomic outcome showed 1 complete occlusion, 13 near-complete occlusions, and 5 incomplete occlusions. At follow-up, 17 patients had normal neurologic examination findings and 1 retained a hemiparesis. Angiographic controls were obtained in all patients (mean, 6 months), and they showed stable or improved results in all except 4 cases, including 2 complete occlusions, 15 near-complete occlusions, and 2 incomplete occlusions. CONCLUSIONS: In this initial series of patients, EVT of wide-neck bifurcation IAa with the WEB was feasible. Further studies are needed to evaluate the indications, safety, and efficacy of this new technique. ACTactivated clotting timeEVTendovascular treatmentIAintracranial aneurysmmRSmodified Rankin ScaleWEBWoven EndoBridge Aneurysm Embolization Device