PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Yuki, I. AU - Kan, I. AU - Golshan, A. AU - Sohn, J. AU - Murayama, Y. AU - Vinters, H.V. AU - ViƱuela, F. TI - A Swine Model to Analyze Arterial Structural Changes Induced by Mechanical Thrombectomy AID - 10.3174/ajnr.A3221 DP - 2013 Aug 01 TA - American Journal of Neuroradiology PG - E87--E90 VI - 34 IP - 8 4099 - 4100 - SO - Am. J. Neuroradiol.2013 Aug 01; 34 AB - SUMMARY: We report a novel swine model that allows direct visualization of cervical arteries undergoing mechanical thrombectomy. The model also facilitates evaluation of histologic changes observed in the arteries after treatment. Swine superficial cervical arteries, which are similar in size and branching pattern to the human middle cerebral artery, were surgically exposed, occluded with experimental thrombus, and subsequently treated with the Merci clot retriever device. Angiographic and histologic assessment were performed. CIconfidence intervalSCAsuperficial cervical artery