RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 Dynamic 4D MRI for Characterization of Parathyroid Adenomas: Multiparametric Analysis JF American Journal of Neuroradiology JO Am. J. Neuroradiol. FD American Society of Neuroradiology SP 2147 OP 2152 DO 10.3174/ajnr.A4425 VO 36 IS 11 A1 Nael, K. A1 Hur, J. A1 Bauer, A. A1 Khan, R. A1 Sepahdari, A. A1 Inampudi, R. A1 Guerrero, M. YR 2015 UL http://www.ajnr.org/content/36/11/2147.abstract AB BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: The hypervascular nature of parathyroid adenomas can be explored by proper dynamic imaging to narrow the target lesions for surgical exploration. The purpose of this study was to establish MR perfusion characteristics of parathyroid adenomas to differentiate them from their mimics, such as subjacent thyroid tissue and cervical lymph nodes.MATERIALS AND METHODS: Preoperative high-spatial and -temporal resolution dynamic 4D contrast-enhanced MR imaging in 30 patients with surgically proved parathyroid adenomas was evaluated retrospectively. Using coregistered images, we placed ROIs over the parathyroid adenoma, thyroid gland, and a cervical lymph node (jugulodigastric) to obtain peak enhancement, time-to-peak, wash-in, and washout in each patient. Data were analyzed by logistic regression and analysis of variance. Receiver operating characteristic analysis was performed to determine the optimal parameters for determination of parathyroid adenomas versus thyroid tissue and cervical lymph nodes.RESULTS: Parathyroid adenomas showed significantly (P < .05) faster time-to-peak, higher wash-in, and higher washout compared with cervical lymph nodes and significantly (P < .05) higher peak enhancement, faster time-to-peak, higher wash-in, and higher washout compared with thyroid tissue. Logistic regression analysis indicated significant contribution from time-to-peak (P = .02), wash-in (P = .03), and washout (P = .008) for differentiation of parathyroid adenomas from thyroid and cervical lymph nodes. Using receiver operating characteristic analysis, we obtained the best diagnostic accuracy from a combination of time-to-peak/wash-in/washout in the differentiation of parathyroid adenomas versus lymph nodes (area under the curve, 0.96; sensitivity/specificity, 88%/90%) and in distinguishing parathyroid adenomas versus thyroid tissue (area under the curve, 0.96; sensitivity/specificity, 91%/95%).CONCLUSIONS: Dynamic 4D contrast-enhanced MR imaging can be used to exploit the hypervascular nature of parathyroid adenomas. Multiparametric MR perfusion can distinguish parathyroid adenomas from subjacent thyroid tissue or lymph nodes with diagnostic accuracies of 96%.AUCarea under the curveCAIPIRINHAcontrolled aliasing in parallel imaging results in higher accelerationPTAparathyroid adenomaROCreceiver operating characteristicTTPtime-to-peakTWISTtime-resolved imaging with stochastic trajectories