PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Northcutt, B.G. AU - Seeburg, D.P. AU - Shin, J. AU - Aygun, N. AU - Herzka, D.A. AU - Theodros, D. AU - Goodwin, C.R. AU - Bettegowda, C. AU - Lim, M. AU - Blitz, A.M. TI - High-Resolution MRI Findings following Trigeminal Rhizotomy AID - 10.3174/ajnr.A4868 DP - 2016 Oct 01 TA - American Journal of Neuroradiology PG - 1920--1924 VI - 37 IP - 10 4099 - 4100 - SO - Am. J. Neuroradiol.2016 Oct 01; 37 AB - BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Patients with trigeminal neuralgia often undergo trigeminal rhizotomy via radiofrequency thermocoagulation or glycerol injection for treatment of symptoms. To date, radiologic changes in patients with trigeminal neuralgia post-rhizotomy have not been described, to our knowledge. The aim of this study was to evaluate patients after trigeminal rhizotomy to characterize post-rhizotomy changes on 3D high-resolution MR imaging.MATERIALS AND METHODS: A retrospective review of trigeminal neuralgia protocol studies was performed in 26 patients after rhizotomy compared with 54 treatment-naïve subjects with trigeminal neuralgia. Examinations were reviewed independently by 2 neuroradiologists blinded to the side of symptoms and treatment history. The symmetry of Meckel's cave on constructive interference in steady-state and the presence of contrast enhancement within the trigeminal nerves on volumetric interpolated breath-hold examination images were assessed subjectively. The signal intensity of Meckel's cave was measured on coronal noncontrast constructive interference in steady-state imaging on each side.RESULTS: Post-rhizotomy changes included subjective clumping of nerve roots and/or decreased constructive interference in steady-state signal intensity within Meckel's cave, which was identified in 17/26 (65%) patients after rhizotomy and 3/54 (6%) treatment-naïve patients (P < .001). Constructive interference in steady-state signal intensity within Meckel's cave was, on average, 13% lower on the side of the rhizotomy in patients posttreatment compared with a 1% difference in controls (P < .001). Small regions of temporal encephalomalacia were noted in 8/26 (31%) patients after rhizotomy and 0/54 (0%) treatment-naïve patients (P < .001).CONCLUSIONS: Post-trigeminal rhizotomy findings frequently include nerve clumping and decreased constructive interference in steady-state signal intensity in Meckel's cave. Small areas of temporal lobe encephalomalacia are encountered less frequently.CISSconstructive interference in steady-stateSIsignal intensityVIBEvolumetric interpolated breath-hold examinationSPACEsampling perfection with application-optimized contrasts by using different flip angle evolution