RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 Steroid-Responsive Large Vessel Vasculitis: Application of Whole-Brain 320-Detector Row Dynamic Volume CT Angiography and Perfusion JF American Journal of Neuroradiology JO Am. J. Neuroradiol. FD American Society of Neuroradiology SP 1409 OP 1411 DO 10.3174/ajnr.A1532 VO 30 IS 7 A1 Yahyavi-Firouz-Abadi, N. A1 Wynn, B.L. A1 Rybicki, F.J. A1 Steigner, M.L. A1 Hussain, A.Z. A1 Mather, R. A1 Hanson, E.H. A1 Ansarinia, M. A1 Orrison, W.W. YR 2009 UL http://www.ajnr.org/content/30/7/1409.abstract AB SUMMARY: A patient with suspected giant cell arteritis and prior negative findings on superficial temporal artery biopsy was evaluated with 320-detector row CT angiography (CTA) and whole-brain perfusion. Corticosteroid treatment was initiated on the basis of CT angiography findings of arteritis and a cortical perfusion deficit. The patient's symptoms and perfusion imaging findings resolved following therapy. Whole-brain CTA and imaging was helpful in the diagnosis and monitoring this patient with suspected vasculitis.