PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Kim, Hyung-Jin AU - Choi, Sung-Kyu AU - Lee, Choong Jae AU - Suh, Chang Hae TI - Aggressive Epithelial Odontogenic Ghost Cell Tumor in the Mandible: CT and MR Imaging Findings DP - 2001 Jan 01 TA - American Journal of Neuroradiology PG - 175--179 VI - 22 IP - 1 4099 - 4100 - SO - Am. J. Neuroradiol.2001 Jan 01; 22 AB - Summary: We report a case of aggressive epithelial odontogenic ghost cell tumor arising from the mandible in a 32-year-old man. On CT and MR studies, the tumor was seen as a large, heterogeneous soft-tissue mass that caused marked destruction of the mandible and invaded the mouth floor and tongue base. The tumor displayed a variety of densities and signal intensities on CT and MR images, which correlated well with the degree of cellularity of epithelial islands, abundance of ghost cells and eosinophilic materials, calcification, and cystic areas on histologic sections. Owing to the unpredictable biological behavior of this type of tumor, careful, long-term follow-up is highly recommended.