PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Chen, Shuda AU - Ikawa, Fusao AU - Kurisu, Kaoru AU - Arita, Katsunori AU - Takaba, Junko AU - Kanou, Yukari TI - Quantitative MR Evaluation of Intracranial Epidermoid Tumors by Fast Fluid-attenuated Inversion Recovery Imaging and Echo-planar Diffusion-weighted Imaging DP - 2001 Jun 01 TA - American Journal of Neuroradiology PG - 1089--1096 VI - 22 IP - 6 4099 - 4100 - SO - Am. J. Neuroradiol.2001 Jun 01; 22 AB - BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Quantification of MR can provide objective, accurate criteria for evaluation of a given MR sequence. We quantitatively compared conventional MR sequences with fast fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (fast-FLAIR) and echo-planar diffusion-weighted (DW) MR imaging in the examination of intracranial epidermoid tumors.METHODS: Eight patients with surgically confirmed intracranial epidermoid tumors were examined with T1-weighted MR sequences, fast T2- and proton density–weighted dual-echo sequences, fast-FLAIR sequences, and DW echo-planar sequences. We measured the MR signal intensity and apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) of epidermoid tumors, normal brain tissue, and CSF and calculated the tumor-to-brain and tumor-to-CSF contrast ratios and contrast-to-noise ratios (CNR). Results were compared among the five MR methods.RESULTS: On fast-FLAIR imaging, the mean signal intensity of epidermoid tumors was significantly higher than that of CSF but significantly lower than that of the brain; the contrast ratio and CNR of tumor-to-CSF were 4.71 and 9.17, respectively, significantly greater than the values with conventional MR imaging. On echo-planar DW imaging, epidermoid tumors showed a remarkably hyperintense signal relative to those of the brain and CSF; the mean contrast ratio and CNR of tumor-to-CSF were 13.25 and 19.34, respectively, significantly greater than those on fast-FLAIR or conventional MR imaging. The mean ADC of epidermoid tumors was 1.197 × 10−3 mm2/s, significantly lower than that of CSF but higher than that of brain tissues.CONCLUSION: Fast-FLAIR imaging is superior to conventional MR imaging in depicting intracranial epidermoid tumors. Echo-planar DW imaging provides the best lesion conspicuity among the five MR methods. The hyperintensity of epidermoid tumors on echo-planar DW imaging is not caused by the diffusion restriction but by the T2 shine-through effect.