RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 Echo-Planar Functional MR Imaging of Epilepsy with Concurrent EEG Monitoring JF American Journal of Neuroradiology JO Am. J. Neuroradiol. FD American Society of Neuroradiology SP 1916 OP 1919 VO 20 IS 10 A1 Patel, Mahesh R. A1 Blum, Andrew A1 Pearlman, Justin D. A1 Yousuf, Naveed A1 Ives, John R. A1 Saeteng, Saowalak A1 Schomer, Donald L. A1 Edelman, Robert R. YR 1999 UL http://www.ajnr.org/content/20/10/1916.abstract AB BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: The role of functional MR (fMR) imaging in the evaluation of patients with epilepsy has not been systematically studied. Our purpose was to identify the fMR correlates of interictal epileptiform discharges.METHODS: Twenty patients with epilepsy and frequent interictal discharges were studied with concurrent EEG monitoring on a 1.5-T echo-planar magnet to acquire blood-oxygenation-level–dependent (BOLD) images in the baseline (OFF) and immediate post-discharge (ON) states. Analysis was performed using subtraction of average ON and OFF data (method I); cross-correlation analysis between the ON and OFF states (method II); and individual spike analysis (ISA), with which signal intensity in the individual ON states was statistically analyzed using a weighted comparison with the mean and variance of the OFF states (method III). Agreement of fMR activation with EEG localization was determined.RESULTS: Eighteen of 20 patients had interictal discharges during the monitoring period. Method I yielded visually detectable sites of BOLD signal differences in only one patient. Method II resulted in two patients with sites of BOLD activation. Method III, ISA, resulted in regions of increased BOLD signal corresponding to the EEG focus in nine of 10 patients.CONCLUSION: fMR studies can often reveal sites of increased BOLD signal that correspond to sites of interictal EEG discharge activity. Because of variable intensity changes associated with discharge activity, ISA resulted in increased sensitivity.