PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - de Leon, M J AU - Ferris, S H AU - George, A E AU - Christman, D R AU - Fowler, J S AU - Gentes, C AU - Reisberg, B AU - Gee, B AU - Emmerich, M AU - Yonekura, Y AU - Brodie, J AU - Kricheff, I I AU - Wolf, A P TI - Positron emission tomographic studies of aging and Alzheimer disease. DP - 1983 May 01 TA - American Journal of Neuroradiology PG - 568--571 VI - 4 IP - 3 4099 - 4100 - SO - Am. J. Neuroradiol.1983 May 01; 4 AB - In this study the positron emission tomographic (PET)-18F-2-deoxy-2-fluoro-D-glucose (FDG) technique was used to study both normal aging and senile dementia. The results derived from 15 young normal subjects (mean age, 26 +/- 5 years) and 22 elderly normal subjects (mean age, 66 +/- 7 years) failed to indicate significant metabolic changes associated with age. A group of 24 patients with senile dementia (mean age, 73 +/- 7 years) showed consistent diminutions in regional glucose use relative to the elderly normals. Across all brain regions the diminutions were 17%-24%. There were also significant correlations between the measures of glucose use and the measures of cognitive functioning. Discriminant function classification analysis results indicate that better than 80% classification accuracy can be achieved for individual PET measures. These data suggest a possible future diagnostic use of PET in senile dementia.