PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Petrella, J R AU - DeCarli, C AU - Dagli, M AU - Duyn, J H AU - Grandin, C B AU - Frank, J A AU - Hoffman, E A AU - Theodore, W H TI - Assessment of whole-brain vasodilatory capacity with acetazolamide challenge at 1.5 T using dynamic contrast imaging with frequency-shifted burst. DP - 1997 Jun 01 TA - American Journal of Neuroradiology PG - 1153--1161 VI - 18 IP - 6 4099 - 4100 - SO - Am. J. Neuroradiol.1997 Jun 01; 18 AB - PURPOSE To determine whether whole-brain acetazolamide-induced changes in regional cerebral blood volume (rCBV) can be assessed on a conventional gradient 1.5-T MR system using 3-D dynamic susceptibility contrast-enhanced MR imaging.METHODS A 3-D frequency-shifted (FS) burst technique was used to assess the intravascular first pass of contrast agent. Changes in rCBV were calculated in 40 volunteers before and after acetazolamide (n = 30) or saline (n = 10) injection using customized analysis software on an independent workstation. A single-section gradient-echo technique with better spatial resolution was used in one additional volunteer to examine the effect of partial volume averaging on calculation of absolute rCBV.RESULTS A statistically significant increase in rCBV (gray matter = 23%, white master = 32.5%) was noted after acetazolamide compared with saline. Baseline fractional CBVs were 22% +/- 3% for gray matter and 12% +/- 2% for white matter. Partial volume averaging was probably responsible for a systematic but linear overestimation of absolute rCBV.CONCLUSION Acetazolamide-induced changes in rCBV can be assessed using 3-D dynamic susceptibility contrast-enhanced MR imaging with FS-burst on a conventional gradient 1.5-T MR system. Values obtained with this technique overestimate absolute rCBV but are systematically biased and can be used for intersubject and intrasubject ratio comparisons.