PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - el Gammal, T AU - Adams, R J AU - Nichols, F T AU - McKie, V AU - Milner, P AU - McKie, K AU - Brooks, B S TI - MR and CT investigation of cerebrovascular disease in sickle cell patients. DP - 1986 Nov 01 TA - American Journal of Neuroradiology PG - 1043--1049 VI - 7 IP - 6 4099 - 4100 - SO - Am. J. Neuroradiol.1986 Nov 01; 7 AB - Stroke is a common complication of sickle cell disease. Using MR and CT, we studied 10 patients with sickle cell disease and a history of stroke and compared these findings with those of 10 sickle cell patients without stroke. The purpose was to determine if MR could visualize the large vessel vasculopathy previously seen on angiography and to estimate the incidence of asymptomatic abnormalities in the nonstroke group. MR consistently demonstrated the major intracranial arteries and showed three cases with occlusion and three with stenosis of either the internal carotid or middle cerebral arteries. Infarctions were better delineated on MR but were also seen on CT. Seven cases with and two without stroke had high-signal white matter lesions on MR. Further research using cranial MR to develop noninvasive means of identifying sickle cell patients at risk for stroke is warranted.