PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Jack, C R AU - Bhansali, D T AU - Chason, J L AU - Boulos, R S AU - Mehta, B A AU - Patel, S C AU - Sanders, W P TI - Angiographic features of gliosarcoma. DP - 1987 Jan 01 TA - American Journal of Neuroradiology PG - 117--122 VI - 8 IP - 1 4099 - 4100 - SO - Am. J. Neuroradiol.1987 Jan 01; 8 AB - Gliosarcoma is a brain neoplasm that is being recognized with increasing frequency. We discuss the radiographic findings in 14 pathologically proven cases. At angiography in nine cases, four showed mixed dural and pial vascular supply to the lesion. Early cortical venous drainage, irregular tumor vessels, and a prominent vascular stain with well-defined tumor margins were seen in the majority of cases. CT showed an irregular enhancing rim surrounding a necrotic center in 14 cases. Most lesions were peripherally located and invaded dura.