PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Ahn, S S AU - Mantello, M T AU - Jones, K M AU - Mulkern, R V AU - Melki, P S AU - Higuchi, N AU - Barnes, P D TI - Rapid MR imaging of the pediatric brain using the fast spin-echo technique. DP - 1992 Jul 01 TA - American Journal of Neuroradiology PG - 1169--1177 VI - 13 IP - 4 4099 - 4100 - SO - Am. J. Neuroradiol.1992 Jul 01; 13 AB - PURPOSE To evaluate diagnostic reliability and to establish optimal scanning techniques of a recently developed Fast Spin-echo MR pulse sequence that allows rapid proton density-weighted and T2-weighted imaging.METHODS We compared lesion conspicuity and signal intensity measurements on Fast Spin-echo and conventional spin-echo sequences in 81 patients ranging from 1 week to 25 years in age on a 1.5-T MR unit. A total of 28 Fast Spin-echo dual-echo images (14 slice locations) were obtained in 2:08 minutes with a 256 x 128 matrix or in 3:12 minutes with a 256 x 192 matrix at a TR of 2000 msec and two excitations.RESULTS Lesion conspicuity and characterization on Fast Spin-echo images compared favorably with conventional spin-echo images in our series when pseudo-TEs of 15 and 90 msec were employed for proton density-weighted and T2-weighted images, respectively. Fast Spin-echo images yielded diagnostic information in four nonsedated patients whose conventional spin-echo images were either degraded by motion or unobtainable. Fat signal remained bright on T2-weighted Fast Spin-echo images. Magnetic-susceptibility effects were slightly reduced with Fast Spin-echo but did not pose any diagnostic problem in our series.CONCLUSION Diagnostically reliable rapid dual-echo brain images can be obtained with Fast Spin-echo sequences.