PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Casasco, A AU - Herbreteau, D AU - Houdart, E AU - George, B AU - Tran Ba Huy, P AU - Deffresne, D AU - Merland, J J TI - Devascularization of craniofacial tumors by percutaneous tumor puncture. DP - 1994 Aug 01 TA - American Journal of Neuroradiology PG - 1233--1239 VI - 15 IP - 7 4099 - 4100 - SO - Am. J. Neuroradiol.1994 Aug 01; 15 AB - PURPOSE To present and evaluate a devascularization technique for hypervascular tumors of the head and neck by direct tumor puncture. METHODS Tumor puncture was performed percutaneously or via natural orifices (nose and mouth). In one case, an intrasellar tumor was embolized via a transseptosphenoidal surgical approach. The embolization material used was NBCA, lipiodol, and tungsten in the majority of tumors (14 out of 17) and alcohol for 3 metastases of the calvarium. We used this technique to embolize 10 nasopharyngeal fibromas, 4 tumors of the calvarium (3 metastases and 1 hemangiopericytoma), 1 intrasellar hemangiopericytoma, and 2 glomus tumors. Reflux of blood was obtained in every case after direct puncture of the tumor. Direct injection of contrast agent into the tumor revealed local parenchymography followed by local and regional venous drainage without extravasation. RESULTS Total devascularization was obtained in 14 cases, and devascularization greater than 90% was obtained in 3 cases. Thirteen tumors were totally resected without requiring blood transfusion. During surgery, the limits of the exsanguinated tumor were very well defined in every case by the black staining induced by tungsten. Of the 4 tumors embolized but not operated on (3 metastases and 1 glomus tumor), 2 metastases needed retreatment after 6 and 8 months of remission, respectively. The other metastasis is still in remission after 3 months, and the volume of the glomus tumor decreased by 80% remains unchanged after 8 months. CONCLUSION This technique was initially used to devascularize tumors with difficult or dangerous intravascular access, but in view of the hemodynamic and surgical results obtained, we believe that the indications for this technique can be extended to hypervascular tumors accessible to conventional embolization.