PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Chang, K H AU - Ra, D G AU - Han, M H AU - Cha, S H AU - Kim, H D AU - Han, M C TI - Contrast enhancement of brain tumors at different MR field strengths: comparison of 0.5 T and 2.0 T. DP - 1994 Sep 01 TA - American Journal of Neuroradiology PG - 1413--1419 VI - 15 IP - 8 4099 - 4100 - SO - Am. J. Neuroradiol.1994 Sep 01; 15 AB - PURPOSE To compare the degree of MR contrast enhancement of 0.5 T and 2.0 T in various brain tumors. METHODS MR images were studied prospectively in each of 31 patients with brain tumors (11 gliomas, 6 meningiomas, 6 neurinomas, and 8 others) before and after intravenous injection of gadopentetate dimeglumine. In every patient, both 0.5-T and 2.0-T MR studies were done within 1 week. Each patient received an initial standard dose (0.1 mmol/kg) of gadopentetate dimeglumine, followed by a subsequent 0.1-mmol/kg dose (total, double dose) in MR of each field strength. MR was done before and after each injection of the contrast agent. Degree of contrast enhancement in the lesions was assessed both visually and quantitatively. RESULTS With standard-dose study, the tumor enhancement was visually stronger at 2.0 T than at 0.5 T in 9 gliomas. In extraaxial tumors there was visually no or minimal difference between 0.5 T and 2.0 T. Overall mean contrast-enhancement ratio and tumor and brain contrast-to-noise ratio were higher at 2.0 T than at 0.5 T by 53% and 108%, respectively. The double-dose study showed higher contrast-enhancement ratio and contrast-to-noise ratio than the standard-dose study at both field strengths, and the differences between 0.5 T and 2.0 T were almost similar to those of the standard-dose study. The degree of contrast enhancement with the standard dose at 2.0 T was comparable to that of the double dose at 0.5 T in most intraaxial tumors. CONCLUSION The results suggest that effect of contrast enhancement increases with the field strength. Therefore, reevaluation of optimal doses of contrast media may be needed in a variety of brain lesions at each field strength.