PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Massoud, T F AU - Ji, C AU - ViƱuela, F AU - Guglielmi, G AU - Robert, J AU - Duckwiler, G R AU - Gobin, Y P TI - An experimental arteriovenous malformation model in swine: anatomic basis and construction technique. DP - 1994 Sep 01 TA - American Journal of Neuroradiology PG - 1537--1545 VI - 15 IP - 8 4099 - 4100 - SO - Am. J. Neuroradiol.1994 Sep 01; 15 AB - We assessed the feasibility of creating an experimental arteriovenous malformation model in swine by diverting and increasing blood flow through bilateral retia mirabilia. This was achieved by surgical formation of a large right-sided carotid-jugular fistula, in combination with endovascular occlusion of several neck arteries ipsilateral to the fistula. Using this technique, 11 of 13 swine demonstrated an acute-phase angiographic simulation of an arteriovenous malformation. There was rapid circulatory diversion from the left ascending pharyngeal artery ("feeder"), across both retia ("nidus"), and fast retrograde flow into the right ascending pharyngeal and common carotid arteries ("draining vein") toward the fistula. The relevant vascular anatomy of the swine head and neck is outlined, and steps in the construction of this arteriovenous malformation model are detailed.