PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Yoon, H.M. AU - Jo, Y. AU - Shim, W.H. AU - Lee, J.S. AU - Ko, T.S. AU - Koo, J.H. AU - Yum, M.S. TI - Disrupted Functional and Structural Connectivity in Angelman Syndrome AID - 10.3174/ajnr.A6531 DP - 2020 May 01 TA - American Journal of Neuroradiology PG - 889--897 VI - 41 IP - 5 4099 - 4100 - SO - Am. J. Neuroradiol.2020 May 01; 41 AB - BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: This work investigated alterations in functional connectivity (FC) and associated structures in patients with Angelman syndrome (AS) by using integrated quantitative imaging analysis and connectivity measures.MATERIALS AND METHODS: We obtained 3T brain MR imaging, including resting-state functional MR imaging, diffusion tensor imaging, and 3D T1-weighted imaging from children with AS (nā€‰=ā€‰14) and age- and sex-matched controls (n = 28). The brains of patients with AS were analyzed by measuring FC, white matter microstructural analysis, cortical thickness, and brain volumes; these were compared with brains of controls.RESULTS: Interregional FC analysis revealed significantly reduced intra- and interhemispheric FC, especially in the basal ganglia and thalamus, in patients with AS. Significant reductions in fractional anisotropy were found in the corpus callosum, cingulum, posterior limb of the internal capsules, and arcuate fasciculus in patients with AS. Quantitative structural analysis also showed gray matter volume loss of the basal ganglia and diffuse WM volume reduction in AS compared with the control group.CONCLUSIONS: This integrated quantitative MR imaging analysis demonstrated poor functional and structural connectivity, as well as brain volume reduction, in children with AS, which may explain the motor and language dysfunction observed in this well-characterized neurobehavioral phenotype.ASAngelman syndromeBGbasal gangliaFAfractional anisotropyFCfunctional connectivityFDRfalse discovery rateM1primary motor areaMDmean diffusivityRDradial diffusivityrs-fMRIresting-state functional MRISMAsupplementary motor areaTBSSTract-Based Spatial StatisticsUBE3Aubiquitin protein ligase E3AVBMvoxel-based morphometryMNIMontreal Neurological InstituteTCFEthreshold-free cluster enhancement