PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Yousem, D.M. TI - Maintenance of Certification: Current Attitudes of Members of the American Society of Neuroradiology AID - 10.3174/ajnr.A0824 DP - 2008 Feb 01 TA - American Journal of Neuroradiology PG - 224--227 VI - 29 IP - 2 4099 - 4100 - SO - Am. J. Neuroradiol.2008 Feb 01; 29 AB - BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: The maintenance of certification (MOC) process has begun in radiology, and many physicians will be affected by it. We sought to assess the compliance with and knowledge of the MOC steps by American Society of Neuroradiology (ASNR) members.MATERIALS AND METHODS: An on-line survey was distributed via e-mail to the members of the ASNR for whom e-mail addresses were available. The survey addressed 3 components of the MOC currently implemented: 1) MOC cognitive examinations, 2) self-assessment modules (SAMs), and 3) continuing medical education (CME) credits.RESULTS: The response rate was 1020/2662 (38.3%). Of those responding, 11% stated that they either do not support the MOC examination (8%) or were unaware of it (3%), 21.4% of respondents have completed an SAM module, but >30% were unaware that they had to complete SAMs or did not know where they were offered. Many members will receive most of their 25 required CME hours for 2007 from sources besides the ASNR annual meeting. Of the small proportion of respondents who made comments (247/1020, 24.2%), those about the MOC process were favorable in 6.1% (15/247), unfavorable in 46.6% (115/247), and neutral in 47.4% (117/247).CONCLUSION: The MOC process remains poorly understood, with limited compliance. The radiology societies should spend additional effort publicizing the requirements and offering support and products aimed at allowing their members to achieve compliance in a reasonable cost-effective fashion.