PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Roman-Goldstein, S AU - Mitchell, P AU - Crossen, J R AU - Williams, P C AU - Tindall, A AU - Neuwelt, E A TI - MR and cognitive testing of patients undergoing osmotic blood-brain barrier disruption with intraarterial chemotherapy. DP - 1995 Mar 01 TA - American Journal of Neuroradiology PG - 543--553 VI - 16 IP - 3 4099 - 4100 - SO - Am. J. Neuroradiol.1995 Mar 01; 16 AB - PURPOSE To determine whether osmotic blood-brain barrier disruption is associated with MR abnormalities or cognitive deterioration and, if so, whether the MR findings correlate with cognitive test results. METHODS Fifteen brain tumor patients who had a complete tumor response (nine central nervous system lymphoma, three germ cell and two astrocytoma, and one primitive neuroectodermal tumor) treated with blood-brain barrier disruption procedures (318 total procedures) with intraarterial chemotherapy were included. MR images were evaluated for the development of white matter hyperintensity, vascular lesions, or atrophy. Cognitive testing was performed to assess deterioration caused by this therapy. RESULTS In two patients white matter hyperintensity developed, in two small vascular lesions developed, and in one mild atrophy developed. One infarct was asymptomatic and the second one resulted in mild dysesthesia in one upper extremity. No patient showed diminished cognitive function on the posttherapy evaluation. CONCLUSION In patients undergoing blood-brain barrier disruption with intraarterial chemotherapy, new abnormalities on MR imaging may develop. These patients maintain the same level of cognitive and neurologic function and MR findings do not correlate with the results of cognitive testing.