PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Beaman, C.B. AU - Kaneko, N. AU - Meyers, P.M. AU - Tateshima, S. TI - A Review of Robotic Interventional Neuroradiology AID - 10.3174/ajnr.A6976 DP - 2021 May 01 TA - American Journal of Neuroradiology PG - 808--814 VI - 42 IP - 5 4099 - 4100 - SO - Am. J. Neuroradiol.2021 May 01; 42 AB - SUMMARY: Robotic interventional neuroradiology is an emerging field with the potential to enhance patient safety, reduce occupational hazards, and expand systems of care. Endovascular robots allow the operator to precisely control guidewires and catheters from a lead-shielded cockpit located several feet (or potentially hundreds of miles) from the patient. This has opened up the possibility of expanding telestroke networks to patients without access to life-saving procedures such as stroke thrombectomy and cerebral aneurysm occlusion by highly-experienced physicians. The prototype machines, first developed in the early 2000s, have evolved into machines capable of a broad range of techniques, while incorporating newly automated maneuvers and safety algorithms. In recent years, preliminary clinical research has been published demonstrating the safety and feasibility of the technology in cerebral angiography and intracranial intervention. The next step is to conduct larger, multisite, prospective studies to assess generalizability and, ultimately, improve patient outcomes in neurovascular disease.COVID-19coronavirus disease 2019