PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Hogan, R E AU - Cook, M J AU - Kilpatrick, C J AU - Binns, D W AU - Desmond, P M AU - Morris, K TI - Accuracy of coregistration of single-photon emission CT with MR via a brain surface matching technique. DP - 1996 Apr 01 TA - American Journal of Neuroradiology PG - 793--797 VI - 17 IP - 4 4099 - 4100 - SO - Am. J. Neuroradiol.1996 Apr 01; 17 AB - We describe a technique of brain surface matching of single-photon emission CT and MR images in human subjects and document the accuracy of this technique with the use of fiduciary markers. This mismatch averaged 4.3 mm as measured by the fiduciary markers and 2.1 mm as measured by the root mean square distance.