PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Kang, H. AU - Liang, J. AU - Zhang, Y. AU - Li, Z. AU - Yang, X. AU - Sui, B. TI - Imaging Features of Symptomatic MCA Stenosis in Patients of Different Ages: A Vessel Wall MR Imaging Study AID - 10.3174/ajnr.A7268 DP - 2021 Nov 01 TA - American Journal of Neuroradiology PG - 1934--1941 VI - 42 IP - 11 4099 - 4100 - SO - Am. J. Neuroradiol.2021 Nov 01; 42 AB - BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: The prevalence of intracranial artery stenosis is high in Asian people. This study aimed to investigate whether there are differences in the imaging features of symptomatic MCA stenosis in patients of different ages using vessel wall MR imaging.MATERIALS AND METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed the data of consecutive patients with unilateral MCA stenosis based on a prospectively established vessel wall MR imaging data base between January 2017 and December 2018. According to age, the patients were divided into the young group (18–45 years of age) and the middle-aged and elderly group (older than 45 years of age).RESULTS: Overall, 131 patients with unilateral MCA stenosis were included (45.8% in the young group and 54.2% in the middle-aged and elderly group). Middle-aged and elderly patients had a higher prevalence of hypertension (P = .01) and diabetes (P = .05). The lesion length (P < .0001), proportion of circular involvement (P = .006), and proportion of circular enhancement (P = .03) were higher in the young group than in the middle-aged and elderly group. The analysis of the atherosclerotic subgroup showed that compared with middle-aged and elderly patients, young patients had longer lesions (P = .002). The atherosclerotic-versus-nonatherosclerotic subgroup analysis showed that the maximal wall thickness in the patients with atherosclerosis was larger than that of patients without it (P = .002).CONCLUSIONS: Compared with the middle-aged and elderly group, young patients with MCA stenosis tended to have longer lesions and more circular wall involvement and circular enhancement, which may indicate the differences in underlying vascular pathophysiologic and developmental mechanisms in symptomatic MCA stenosis.ASatherosclerosisHR VW-MRIhigh-resolution vessel wall MR imagingMOPmiddle-aged and elderlyNWInormalized wall indexRIremodeling indexSIsignal intensity