Table 1:

Clinical characteristics of the patients

No. of subjects97
Mean age (yr)60.2 (SD, 16)
Sex (F/M)48:49
Clinical indication for MR imaging (No.) (%)
 Tumor32 (33%)
 Stroke17 (17.5%)
 AMS15 (15.4%)
 Neurologic deficit11 (11.3%)
 Abscess3 (3%)
 Dementia2 (2%)
 Headache2 (2%)
 Seizure2 (2%)
 TBI2 (2%)
 TIA2 (2%)
 Other9 (9.2%)
MR imaging protocol (No.) (%)
 SAMER MPRAGE without contrast34 (35%)
 Routine brain without contrast33 (34%)
 Memory loss without contrast1 (1%)
 SAMER MPRAGE with contrast63 (65%)
 Routine brain without and with contrast61 (63%)
 Memory loss without and with contrast2 (2%)
  • Note:—AMS indicates altered mental status; TBI, traumatic brain injury.