Descriptive results*

VariableWoodworkers’ Adenocarcinomas (n = 27)NSP (n = 30)Healthy Controls (n = 33)
OC4.58 ± 3.050.71 ± 1.070.51 ± 0.98
(−0, 1–13.7)(−2.1–2.3)(−1.2–2)
CD15.12 ± 4.523.61 ± 0.453.28 ± 0.68
DE7.18 ± 2.6814.82 ± 0.8813.23 ± 1.47
AE31.03 ± 4.9329.04 ± 2.4729.4 ± 2.12
ECL (degrees)39.76 ± 13.830.03 ± 2.250.45 ± 2.13
  • Note:—NSP indicates nasosinusal polyposis; OC, width between midline and septal bulging or deviation; CD, width of olfactory cleft on pathologic side; DE, ethmoidal labyrinth width; AE, nasoethmoidal cavity total width; ECL, angle between midline and conchal lamina.

  • * Mean ± SD, range.